It's a surefire way to catch Pokemon and it has a 100% success rate. Keep.If you've been playing and keeping up with Pokemon through the years, you likely know that there's usually only one Master Ball per game. You will see an opening between some rocks. Then, surf to the east to Route 131 until you pass the boy and girl facing each other, that are separate. You can only find Groundon in Pokemon Ruby. Its attacks are Slash: (Power 70, Accuracy 100), Bulk Up (Power -, Accuracy -), Earthquake (Power 100, Accuracy100), and Fire Blast (Power120, Accuracy 85). Its ability is Drought and it summons Sunlight in battle. It will be on Level 45 when you catch it. To find Groudon, go to the Cave Of Origin in Sootopolis City. It is a Steel/Psychic type that knows Take Down. But if the scientist says a number 100 or higher this means you will encounter a Jirachi! May your space exploration be a bright one!Īfter you defeat Steven (the champion), go to his house in Mossdeep City. You will be taken to the moon where, Deoxys will be use the lottery technique i mentioned before and use a mater ball to catch it. If he says the rocket has launched successfully and then says a number 56 or higher he will ask you if you want to go into space. Go to the space station at mossdeep city and talk to the scientist looking out the window with the lab coat on. It's just another way of making an experienced pokemon trainer's life, a little bit easier.
Pokemon go berry ultraball run away free#
Get 6 matches and you get a free master ball! you can of course catch many other pokemon like groudon using this lottery technique.

You will of course need anohter master ball no problem, just go to lilycove department store and go to the lottery corner. Latios is all well and good, but having both is better! You can find Latias at the southern island. Then put Relicanth at the front of your party and Wailord at the back. When you get to the surface get onto the land and go all the way north to you get to that riggid wall. Go south until you get to some dots on the wall. I can't tell you the rest but when you reach a diving point dive down into it. Then surf west through the currents keeping south at all the times. Once you've done that go to Pacifidilog town and go all the way south. Train groudon/kyogre to lvl 60 or higher and it will learn a REALLLLLLY strong move(witch are one hit K.O,s!)groudon will learn fissure and kyogre will learn sheer cold!they do ALLLLLLLOT of dm(always kills if hits)and no pokemon can stop you!(can miss alot tho)I know rayquazza is apart of the family of legends(witch are groudon,kyogre and rayquazza)but hes wayyyyyy to weak to learn one.but he can learn a REAL good attack too at lvl80 or so!he learns DRAGON CLAW!does not alot of dm to kill the enemy in one shot but is pretty good.these moves sheer cold and fissure can never and I repeat NEVER will be able to find a Tm of it.this strong attack can not be used with Tm's cause only 2 legendaries can learn it!but dont choose sapphire cause other pokemon learns sheer cold witch isnt SOOO rare.need more cheatsmail me!trust me!it worked for about 90 or 80 people at my church so it should work for you.but BEWARE!never delete the move fissure or sheer cold!not even the move tutor knows these moves and cant teach it to them!įirst of all get lots of different kinds of pokeballs and catch a wailord and a relicanth.